April 19, 2024

What’s up? Other than our new site, not much.

By on October 2, 2018 0 647 Views

Here’s the thing: a news website ain’t much chop without news.

Our old site had lots of it. Our new site has literally none. Nada. Zippity shit. Sweet fuck all.

And that’s where you come in.

If you’ve got a new person on your team, a new client, a new campaign, a new award win, or something else that vaguely qualifies as ‘news’ (even if it’s not super recent, but you know, kind of recent), we’d quite like to know about it so we can write it up and chuck it on our site. Otherwise we’re going to look pretty bloody stupid launching a new site with nothing to put on here.

Send your press releases, stories, or story tips here.

